Winter's Journey
Reflective music on piano for a winter's night - 'music of great beauty'.

Much of it improvised, Freeland makes use of Castlesound Studio's Bosendorfer 275 concert grand piano in a recording inspired by the season and the music of northern lands.


1. Winter morning

2. Daybreak / A candle end

3. Steel on ice

4. All Hallows / The hawthorn and the oak / First snows

5. Lagavulin

6. Lagarfljòt / Towards a distant shore

7. The guiding light

8. Morning lullaby

9. The golden Bough

10. Cave of ice

11. Nordland

12. High above the snowline

13. Cold east winds

14. Evening lullaby

15. Briksdalsbreen / The deep caverns

16. The moon's rim

17. On Friendship's shore

18. Shadow of the pines

19. Kellingir

20. In the lamplight

21. Candlemas

22. Edge of day

"Music of immense beauty"
— Rambles (U.S.A.)
Winter's Journey
2004 - SKYECD 29
£6 + P&P
Delivery UK: £2
"Music of immense beauty"
— Rambles (U.S.A.)